The long-held philosophy is that harsh chemical preservatives and ingredients of low quality in various commercially prepared dog foods are the primary cause of dog illnesses, skin irritations, periodontal disease and premature death. That is why it is advisable to follow the principal of the Raw Meaty Bone Diet that has no preservatives. Understand that the dog food industry undergoes a multi-million-dollar turnover every year, and the companies vying for a slice of the pie are countless.
Do not forget that the marketing strategy is designed to make you as the dog owner feel that you are not feeding your dog with the right ingredients.
As opposed to the human food industry, the dog industry is self-regulated, and for the betterment of their commodity, they must make products that come with a long shelf life that requires zero refrigeration. A range of preservatives used in high quantities achieves this result, some of them detrimental to the health of your dog, while others banned for human consumption. For them to claim their dog food, has no added preservatives, before arriving at the factory chemicals are added to the raw products. The quality and bulk of proteins used are shallow with high volumes of (fillers) grain products used to bulk up their product. Because of the poor quality of proteins and the manufacturing processes used to produce these foods which destroy most of the goodness of the raw ingredients, they then add synthetic vitamins and minerals known as Premix, these have the effect of blocking the natural receptors of natural vitamins that your dog has led to more health problems. By adding this Premix, they can then state that their product is a well-balanced diet for your dog.
Harmful Chemicals Used in Dog Food and Treats.
With the ever-changing technology and high competition in the market today, there has been a steep rise of dog food contamination. It’s your responsibility as the dog owner to be a little more cautious when making your dog food and product purchase. Below, we will discuss various products you as the dog owner must avoid, and the foods you need not feed your dogs.
Why Companies Find Preservatives Are Necessary
Animal fats are a crucial part of dog food. They are prone to spoilage and can become rancid after the date of manufacture. Specific preservatives are added to extend the shelf of the life of these ingredients. Don’t get this wrong. It should be clear that chemicals vary. They can fall into different classifications, artificial or natural.
Only vitamins E and C are the natural preservatives used. In dog boxes; you will notice words like ‘ascorbite’ or ‘tocopherol’ meaning they have vitamins C or E. The good news is natural preservatives are safe when used in moderation.
Sodium (Salts) are also deemed as a natural preservative get used in high amounts in most commercially produced dog treats and food products so that they suggest you have a bowl of water nearby for them to quench the salt produced thirst you just feed them. Dogs will get enough salt requirements from fresh meats and do not need added salt in their diet.
What’s Important to Note?
Understand that every dog is a captive audience that will consume what you present. So, keep off artificial preservatives entirely. The typical chemical additives you must watch include:
- Sulphur Dioxide
- Ethoxyquin
- Propylene glycol
- Propyl Gallate
Pet Food Companies use the preservative, sulphur dioxide, in pet meat products, especially raw meat products with impunity because there are no rules about labelling or how much. Clinical studies have proven that sulphur dioxide can destroy Vitamin B (thiamine) levels in food, which is essential to animal health, this why the packet will sometimes state Now with added Thiamine, Scientists have warned that thiamine deficiency can cause the neurological breakdown in cats and dogs.
‘Ethoxyquin’ (E324) is one dangerous label that you must watch out for in the dog food box. It is a very dangerous preservative in the dog food and should it be there; then you must treat the product as one that contains a harmful chemical in dog food. It is a harsh element that is not solely used as a pesticide in rubber, but also as a preservative of fats in dog food.
For a long time, this chemical has been banned from preserving human food, but is still in use for the preservation of dog food and treats in some countries. Veterinarians suspect that skin problem, allergic reactions, kidney disease or failure, cancer, behaviour problems and significant organ failure linked to ‘ethoxyquin’.
‘Propylene glycol’, for instance, is used in dog foods to reduce moisture, keeps the food soft and squishy and prevents the growth of bacteria, it also has a sweet taste to dogs that they find moreish. Note that your dogs need intestinal bacteria that promote the absorption and digestion of food. Given that this ingredient decreases the growth of bacteria, it is also excellent for reducing the needed good growth. It reduces moisture needed to aid in digestion. For this reason, some dogs are likely to develop cancerous lesions in the intestines or experience intestinal blockage. Avoiding them could very well add healthy years to your dog’s life.
The other dangerous chemical to watch out for is ‘butylated hydroxyanisole – BHA’ and ‘Butylated hydroxytoluene – BHT’.
W.H.O has so far named BHA and BHT as suspicious cancer-causing compounds. In fact, the state of California has identified BHA as a possible carcinogen. Unfortunately, these two bad boys are still present in many commercial dog foods.
The overuse of artificial preservatives is not a good story. Should any dog be fed with foods laden with these chemical preservatives for extended periods of time, it can lead to serious health issues internally and externally and shorten their lifespan by many years.
Foods To Keep Away From Your Dog
1. Grapes, raisins and currants: All of these can quickly lead to kidney failure in your dog meaning you need to keep them away.
2. Avocados: Can lead to vomiting and diarrhoea and don’t let your dog chew on the seeds.
3. Walnuts and macadamia: Can both cause muscle damage.
4. Onions and garlic: Are great in flavouring food for us, but can lead to blood cell damage in your dog and anaemia so be careful with certain leftover human foods that you may give your dog, e.g. stews
5. Alcohol: Can make your dog go into a coma and lead to intoxication. Note that alcohol can also kill them.
6. Cooked bones: As carnivores, dogs are designed to chew and ingest raw bones. Cooked bones are not digested by your dog and can cause lacerations in the stomach and cuts in the digestive system.
7. Corn Syrup/Corn: Is a sugar used to sweeten dog’s palate. Too much sugar will contribute to diabetes, weight gain, and hyperactivity over time. With time, corn may develop mould or fungus, and as a result cause death.
8. Dairy: such as milk and products made from it like butter, cheese, yoghurt can cause diarrhoea in your dog
9. Mushrooms: Although you may not feed these to your dog at home, be careful when with it in the fields as some mushroom species can cause death in your dog.
10. Junk foods: Like burgers and fries can lead to pancreatitis in your dog
11. Caffeine: Can cause diarrhoea and vomiting in dogs and lead to damage in the heart and the nervous system
12. Chocolate: Can lead to afflictions in the cardiovascular and nervous system, and can kill them if fed in large amounts.
It is vital that you ensure that as a pet owner, you have an in-depth knowledge about all the harmful ingredients in processed dog food. Remember, ignorance can be very costly and painful for both the owner and his dog. Zoe’s Doggy Treats’ primary focus is to provide your dogs with safe and healthy treats.
Our main philosophies are:
- To Make Pet Treats Healthy Enough For Everyday
- Only Make Tail Wagging Pet Food Treats
- Pack Affordable Value into Every Treat!
Please go ahead and contact us to learn more about our range of healthy dog treat products.